Thursday, May 06, 2010


What are the three most preferred and BEST letters in the English language? A - B - D

Yes, I said ABD, not ABC or ABCD, but ABD. ABD stands for "All BUT Dissertation, not "All BUT Comps & Dissertation" (ABCD as Richard calls it).

Yes, I have finally reached a milestone in my life. All that stands in the way of me and my advanced degree is the dissertation. Hallelujah!!! How did I reach this milestone you might ask, well today I took my oral comprehensive exam. Fun you might ask, "NO!" Necessary, "I suppose." Over, "YES!"

Ahhh, I have devoted too much brain power to thinking about, writing, and now discussing my exam. I can now move on with life. YESSSSSSSS!!! Now onto the dissertation.

To all of you who offered prayers in my behalf, Thank You! I am so blessed to have such supportive family and friends.


KaDee said...

That's so great Pam. You've worked so hard! Congrats on getting to the end!

Richard Brubaker said...

Congratulations! Good job! You sure deserve a break.

Corri said...

Hooray! We're so happy for you!

Nathan said...

I'm so proud of you! Congrats and I'm glad to see my prayers weren't wasted! :P Will you guys be in Utah anytime before June 16th? We should hang out before I report to the MTC!

Carole Grundvig said...

We am so proud of you. Congratulations. Dad and Mom