Thursday, December 16, 2004

The Forgotten Carols

We went and saw the forgotten carols last night performed by the Provo Theater company. It was excellent. It was our anniversary and we wanted to do something special. The play only had four actors/actresses in it but they did a wonderful job. Watching the play really reminded me of the true meaning of Christmas. The play made us laugh and it made us cry. If anyone gets the chance to see it I recommend it. Michael Mclean tours around different places with the real production. The story line is excellent. It is about a nurse who has forgetten what christmas is all about. She is assigned to take care of an elderly man who teaches her the true meaning of christmas by singing and telling her about the forgotten carols. The music is excellent and the actors are very entertaining. Before the play we went to Macaroni Grill. We enjoyed the main course however the highlights of the meal were the mushroom appetizers and the chocolate cake dessert. Also for our anniversary we are going up to logan this weekend.

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