Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hello Winter

It’s official. Today was the earliest day in recorded history for snowfall in State College, PA. And I’m talking REAL snow (not quite as good as Utah, but it's the real stuff). Although it started out as a rain/snow mixture that turned into slush, by noon it was real snow and the flakes haven’t stopped dropping. Because the snow is so wet it hasn’t accumulated too much (about an inch now), but it sure is beautiful. Too bad it’s not mid November/December. I guess it’s time to get that new winter coat I’ve been putting off purchasing. At least now there is a reason I’m not seeing the sun. It hasn't exactly been two weeks since I said I wasn't quite ready for Fall. Well, that season went particularly quickly. Hmmm, welcome winter.


Corri said...

Wow! I don't know why its always so hard for me to wrap my mind around the idea that weather can be so different even when we're in the same country. Silly, I know. It is supposed to be 82 degrees here today; which is just about right for me.
Good luck finding a new coat!

Robert Thompson said...

This global warming is sure making things WIERD. Crazy. Hopefully the government taxes the wowo out of us so it doesn't snow this early ever again.